The January Blah blah blah
I didn't drown in the tub.
I did have major problems with Eircom; the Irish equivalent of Ma Bell. We have been through months of Irish consumer hell and seem to have come out the other side with a functional modem and a promise of free service for a while. Oh my breath, I am not holding...
Actually, now that I think about it, this month has been fraught with frustration and it's probably for the best that I didn't have access to blog about it. If I had it probably would have gone a lot like this: "fuckity fuck fuck, fuckin fuckers, fuck!"
There might also have been a few passages about being squished to red alert for panic attack on the train and my subsequent dealings with Irish Rail's customer service department. See above.
And then I would have told you all about how my work is being undermined and that my boss has warned me in advance that she intends to treat the whole team very badly in the weeks leading up to a major event because she's neurotic. Her word, not mine. Of course, I'd do that in the vaguest way possible as I'm paranoid about being dooced.
I definitely would have shared that I've finally started swimming again. I'm up to 1000 metres which is taking 30 minutes. Heart attack be damned! Haven't seen any results in my body yet, but I am sleeping better.
I might also have told you that yesterday I heard that research has proven that if you were born a pessimist you'll die one. Evidently, life orientation is an innate thing and it doesn't matter how many ways you try to train yourself to be more positive. Likewise, if you were born on the bright side, you will be the eternal optimist, regardless of how many shitkickings you take. If you were interested, you might have clicked here for a lil quiz to determine your life orientation. But I bet you already know that.
Finally, I would probably have had a little rant about the PTA at my kids' school and how they manage the registration for after school activities and how I had to queue from 9:45 until 11am on a Saturday morning to pay an extortionate amount of money so my daughter can glue popsicle sticks together for an hour on a Thursday afternoon.
Right, so that's me all caught up... what's going on with you?