Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Conspiracy Theory

There's nothing like a good conspiracy theory, in my opinion...

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!

I've been struggling for weeks to get a post together - my monitor is most uncooperative, my connection keeps losing itself in 0s and 1s and I have travelled the width and breadth of this country in the past week. Not that it's a big place, but they sure did make it awkward to get around!

And now that I'm here, I can't think of much worth saying.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Count me In

So, I think I've managed to switch to statscounter. Thanks JL and Monty. I've decided to start from zero and just see what happens.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

In a Nutshell...

My life wouldn't appear all that exciting...


a 30 year old woman we know(and care about) is trying to raise her twelve week old baby on her own. Her big parenting skill is apparently her ability to watch "Lost" while ignoring the baby. We are not impressed. Since we learned that the wee one is not meeting her developmental miletones, I am freaking the fuck out. It makes my breasts ache (impressive, I know!) Apparently I am the one in the wrong here. I don't fucking think so. Nor am I going to let this one lie...

my "work" computer is doing strange things. Like acting as if it has a virus even though the very professional, paid for, virus scanner says otherwise. This leads me to shit my pants in the fear that I may soon be "dooced". I still like my job and don't blog from work, but I do read this and other blogs occasionally. No more - jaysis, I'm so paranoid, I might as well be high...