Hello again!
Good thing this blog has a slipcover - the dust in here is unbelievable.
I can't stay long as I'm already sneezing but I thought I'd pop in and open a window to see if I can air the place out.
I have much less time at the ole computer desk since I've become a Dublin commuter - that's shaved about two hours off of each weekday. As well, I now have to compete with the entire family who are all addicted to their facebooks.
Anyway, if you're here, leave me a comment - I'd love to know you're around!
Welcome back!
Looking forward to regular postage.
We should also organise an Irish wake for poor Chopper the ferret.
Hello Anna,
a true slipcover You got here, but now when You have opened the window you might be able to keep awake?!?
Anna of Sweden
Hello dere!
I'm here, too! JL, that's a nice idea about the wake. The varmint would appreciate that.
Can't wait for next year's post!
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