Saturday, July 09, 2005

Camp as a Row of Tents

This post isn't about gay people, but it's been so long since I managed to blog anything, I thought I needed an attention-grabbing title. What I really want to tell you is that I slept in the tent last night. In the back yard. And loved it.

I could tell you that the reason I did this was that my daughter's little friend was sleeping over and had never slept in a tent before and her mother was having kittens about it. This would be true.

I could tell you that the reason I did it was because it gave me a chance to cuddle my son who is morphing into a man before my very eyes and won't be interested in sleeping with his mother for very much longer (well, we hope that happens, anyway). This would also be true.

I could tell you that my mother never let us sleep out and never let me spend the night with a friend who was sleeping out and I'm making up for lost time. This would also be true.

But the underlying reason that at my age, I chose sleep out in a tent in the backyard instead of in my really comfortable bed with my really comfortable husband is this: I wanted to.

It was an absolutely gorgeous evening and as I was setting up the tents for the kids, I felt myself go into camping mode. So, I kicked off my shoes and got into it. Once the tents were "furnished" and the kids were in their pyjamas in the tents, I felt a bit sorry I wasn't staying out too.

During my "this is the last" trip into the house to fetch the torch, I threw on my pyjamas and grabbed my book, telling myself I'd hang out in the tent with the boy and read until I was sure that they were all settled for the night.

The boy was delighted with this plan and pressed his warm back into mine and promptly fell asleep. I lay there in the cool night air, lulled by the sounds of whispering girls and a sleeping boy, the warbling birds and the traffic in the distance and thought, "I think I'll stay".

As I drifted off I tried to capture the sensations; I'll cherish this memory in my old age....assuming of course that I reach old age with any kind of memory intact.


At 6:41 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Excellent post, Shan. Made me laugh once and smile in memory of some back yard camp outs with my kid.

Gotta ask though, what does the title have to do with gay? Is that another Irish thing I'm not getting?

At 7:34 p.m., Blogger Anna said...

"camp" is slang usually pointed at effeminate gay men - so camp as a row of tents = queer as a three dollar bill. Not sure if it's just on this side of the pond, though.

At 7:37 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Never heard that before, Shan. Camp used to mean a bit swishy. Haven't heard it for years. Maybe it is making a come-back. The tent part is new to me.

See! Blogs are educational.

At 9:51 p.m., Blogger Naughti Biscotti said...

Damn... if that's what "camp" means, then what does it mean if I like to go "camping"?
Also, I have heard the phrase "tent" used in another form. Intersting to say the least.

I spent the weekend camping with the kids... had a blast. Something you never outgrow.

At 4:52 a.m., Blogger Jim said...

Too cool! The camp thing wasn't too weird, but what the hell does Buffalo mean by "a bit swishy"?

At 5:04 a.m., Blogger Mike Todd said...

Jim -- I can't freakin' believe you don't know what swishy means. That means you're the campiest camper in the whole forest. Next to me, I mean, 'cause I don't know either. Judging from the context, though, I'm going to guess it means what my buddies would call "Jered-y".

At 8:40 p.m., Blogger JL Pagano said...

When George Bernard Shaw coined his famous phrase...

"England and America are two countries divided by a common language"

...I presume he meant his native Ireland as well.

At 11:15 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Jim, when you pass gas and it sounds like an echo chamber you may be a bit swishy.

At 4:26 a.m., Blogger Jered Widmer said...

Wow! Brings back memories... my father bought me a tent for my 7th birthday and I slept in it so many nights every summer. Even after my father passed away when I turned 9, I cherished that tent. I used it all the way up to my senior year of high school.

I have to ask my mom if she still has it... great post!


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