Monday, March 07, 2005

Turkey's Foul

Yesterday was International Women's Day. Last night on the news there was a piece about the rally and march in Turkey. The video looked very familiar at first; women (and a few men) waving placards and chanting protests about unequal treatment.

And then the scene became very different from the many rallies I have attended over the years. The police moved in and began swinging. Batons, shields, fists, feet, anything they could connect with, they used to drive these women to the ground. Many were beaten and/or pepper sprayed once they were down.

When asked why they behaved so violently toward this peaceful protest, a spokesperson for the police stated that the women had gathered illegally. (Note to self: NEVER forget to acquire a permit.)

That this could happen in 2005 in a country that is actively seeking entry into the European Union is nothing less than shocking and appalling and abhorrent and just plain wrong.

Hmm... evidently I'm not as cynical as I thought I was.


At 6:04 p.m., Blogger Eddo said...

Very sad... just out reading some others blogs today out of boredom. Would love to go to Ireland someday...

At 6:09 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Expect the worst. Rejoice over anything less.

At 9:27 p.m., Blogger JL Pagano said...

Its extremely important that we remind our politicians that we will not accept Turkey's entry into the EU until such episodes cease to happen.

If the demands die down even for a minute, the Turks would be granted membership before you could say Constantinople.

The forthcoming EU Constitution referendum will be a perfect opportunity to bring the human rights issue to the forefront where it belongs.

At 6:32 a.m., Blogger Blue944 said...

That is horrible. Makes me glad I live in the States.


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