Saturday, March 05, 2005

I Don't Like Mondays

Thursdays however, are great fun. After dropping the kids to school, hubby and I, or some combination thereof, head to the nearest town to do our business.

Up until recently, we had to go to the bank each week and deposit our paycheques. We therefore leave all banking that requires an actual human to Thursdays.

Specialty coffee, noodles made from rice or bean and vitamins are all acquired on these Thursday expeditions. So too, are the likes of underwear, toiletries and any other bits and pieces needed to make life run smoothly. This often includes, but is not limited to, used books and new shoes.

The best part about Thursday though, is lunch. Every week, whomever among our friends slash colleagues is available meets at the same pub for lunch, drinks and a chat. Sometimes the group is large, sometimes small; I've even been known to go by myself on occasion. We discuss finances, job prospects, books, massage, tattoos, piercings, current affairs,love lives (they are not the same thing!)and sometimes we talk about work. We try to not talk about work too much but after all, it is what brought us together.

Usually, lunch involves a good deal of liquid. Sometimes it even spills over to dinner and beyond; mostly though, we're home by five to share the evening with the kids.

Thursdays are an island in my week where I can be away from the constant tides of mommyhood and recharge my batteries. I am grateful for them and those who share them with me.


At 7:05 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Sounds fun. Everyone needs a respite to remind them they are still a person.


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