Now that I've had a moment to catch my breath, I'm angry again. The latest email, to borrow a page from JL's looks like this:
There was never any definite plans on the trip ,it just sounded good,it has been so cold here,seems like a long winter and we have never had a trip like that before.Do you know how many times we talked about going to Ireland and always seemed to back out for one reason or another.It probably would have been the same with this trip,we aren't very good travelers especially when we are going on our own never were. Take Care Love Mom & Dad
Now, on the surface, it looks quite nice...concilliatory, even a little sad. Unfortunately, what they don't realize is that I know for a fact they were never coming on their own in the first place! My aunt and uncle not only told them they'd go with them, they contacted me to make sure it would be okay. Furthermore, they both saved holiday time from their jobs for as long as they could in case the parents could be convinced to go.
I am so sick being treated as though I'm the village idiot. (Just make something up, she won't know the difference!) The only question is whether or not to confront them with this information. What purpose would it serve? I can tell you now what the reaction would be, "you are so mean, just twist the knife why don'tcha?" On the other hand, if I don't tell them I know they are lying, what's the point of being in this relationship at all?
What to do....what to do....
You have the power to halt this kind of treatment. You are enabling them to act as they do.
If a friend confided in you that her fellow was treating her shamefully, and asked for your advice, what would you tell her?
One of things that has prevented me from confronting my mother over the years has been a fear of what she will say back.
This year I was determined to carry on regardless, and so the lengthy exchange on that blog ensued.
She has since hit me with pretty much everything I have expected, and you know what, it's not so bad after all!
What's more, I am overwhelmingly confident that I have made my point, and her failure to acknowledge it does not necessarily mean it hasn't gotten through to her.
Look at your own kids. You once changed their diaper! Now imagine them telling you what you are doing is wrong some day! It won't be easy will it?
You appear to have two choices; tell them how you feel, or not. Judging from your blog you have the writing skills necessary to properly communicate your emotions, so you can guess what my advice is!
My thoughts are with you whatever you decide.
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