Sunday, February 27, 2005

Virus Alert

Yesterday the girl woke up in a very strange mood. She was giddy and saucy and completely unable to govern herself.

I said, "she's coming down with something".

"What? Are you kidding? She's full of beans!" was hubby's reply.

"Trust me on this one," said I, "before today is out, she'll be down for the count."

His look was skeptical, but he's a wise man and didn't argue. So, off we went to watch the rugby at our local pub. Sure enough, about halfway through the oh so painful Wales v France match, she started to bark. Okay, it was a cough, but it sounded like a barking seal. So much so in fact, that heads did turn on more than one occasion. I'm guessing it wouldn't be the first time a sea mammal made its way into that particular pub.

Within two hours she was sporting a matching pair of bright red cheeks. By this time we were home and fed. All stops were pulled; medicines of various forms were administered in the hope that we'd be able to sleep through the night. Propped up with about a hundred pillows, her hair fanned out behind her, she made an oh so pathetic princess.

I woke this morning with a familiar sensation behind my eyes. A niggly, achey headache...uh oh, I've been tagged!

Today while the whole of the country is at the pub watching Ireland v England, the girl and I will cuddle and watch a movie. I'm hoping for a nap....sad, really.


At 10:16 p.m., Blogger JL Pagano said...

Hope ya both feel better now!


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