Saturday, March 26, 2005


As you may know, I've been less than thrilled about my job situation here on the Emerald Isle. I've been off work since my ankle was broken in October and am just getting ready to return to the world of the working. The Occupational Health Doctor advised me on my last visit that she will be declaring me fit for work on April 6th. I have truly dreaded going back to "that place"; I'd tell you all the reasons why but after reading about all the people who've been fired/sued for blogging about their jobs I think it best to keep the details to myself.

What I will tell you though, is that I LANDED A NEW JOB! A Monday to Friday, 9 - 5, around the corner from our house, job. It's a transitional housing project for people who were homeless. They'll stay for 12 - 18 months, during which time they will gain the skills required to stay "housed", then move into a permanent dwelling. I've never worked in this sector of the field before, but I'm excited about the challenges it presents. Particularly, since none of them involve physically restraining anybody!

I do have to say that being a lady who lunches was a lot of fun and if we win the lotto, I'll be going back to that status in a very big hurry. Until then, I'm going to work my ass off at creating a career path that is both challenging and rewarding.


At 10:04 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Good deal, Shan!

At 12:05 a.m., Blogger JL Pagano said...

Congrats, my dear - hope the blogging frequency doesnt suffer too much ;)


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