Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A Dreadful Oversight

I don't quite know how it happened, but I made a terrible mistake, well, several really, in the Irish to North American Dictionary. I forgot to explain the "th" phenomena. You see, in the Irish language there is no "th" sound. Unfortunately, in Canada, there are two sounds for "th". Damned difficult to describe without the benefit of sound, I might add!

So, instead of soft, or long "th" found in the, this, that, these, those, them and there, we have "d" as in, da, dis, dat, dese, doze, dem and dere. And for the sharper, shorter "th" sound, we hear "t" - tink and tot for think and thought. It also works in the same way for the words ending in "th".

Now that may seem straightforward, and it is. For some reason doe, I was woken from a dead sleep last night with da tot dat you should know wha I'm dealing wit here. Did I mention the silent "t" in words like what?
A'righ I tink dat's abou enough for now!


At 8:25 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Communicating with mental telepathy would be more precise, but not nearly as funny! Makes my hillbilly speak seem like the Queen's English. Queen as in monarch.

At 6:08 p.m., Blogger JL Pagano said...

oo kay, noo when are we gonna talk aboot the way the Canadians speak, eh? ;-)


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