Friday, March 11, 2005

Skool Daze

It's official...I am part of the student body. Not a big part, but there all the same. If I had to use an analogy, I'd say I'm like a hair follicle on the body of formal education.

I'm taking a course in massage therapy. I've been to two classes. So far, I've taken in everything my instructors have said, including the mistakes. My instructor for practical massage told me last night that a tumour can be malign or belignant and that I, as a massage practitioner, would have no way of knowing. No shit? I highly doubt that an oncologist would have a method for determining the belignancy of a tumour...

Tonight, I met my instructor for anatomy and physiology. She was 40 minutes late and ill-prepared at best. She did, however, know her stuff.

The good news is that I paid my money, so I'll get my certification. That's the way private education works. I know this because once upon a time, I was an ill-prepared instructor at a private college with a habit of using malapropisms. This is also the reason I am willing to overlook all of the above.

I may have found a place for myself in Ireland after all!


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