S/he who Hesitates is Lost
I have spent most of my life as a listener. Personally and professionally, my role has been to bear witness to the words and experiences of others. Legend and lore, truth and fiction, I am fascinated by people and the stories they tell. I pay attention and have a knack for remembering details.
So here I am, with my own corner from which to share my stories. A place for me to take up space and show my belly, to be brave and vulnerable. To create; to share what's been created and has moved me.
And I wonder - am I only interesting when I am interested? Do I even exist beyond my ability to reflect you? Does it matter?
Being a listener and an observer is a good thing. At one time or another everyone needs to be heard. They need to feel someone gives a damn.
When you are able to not only provide an ear, but can also drink in the speaker's story and put it in words for all to enjoy or learn from - that is a very good thing.
And that, my friend, makes you an interesting and a so very important person
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