Friday, April 14, 2006


I received a message on my phone last evening. It was the HR manager of Internationally Known Charity calling to say she'd been unable to reach my third referee and therefore wouldn't be able to make a decision about whether I'll be hired until Tuesday at the earliest.

I'd be stressed out and upset, but I can't help but think this means I'm still in the running.

In other news, Galway was a great time! LOVED it! Especially our day trip to Inis Mor where were got sunburns while sitting in a beer garden drinking Guinness and watching our kids play happily on the beach below.


At 9:17 p.m., Blogger nanuk said...

My fingers, eyes and legs are still crossed for you!

At 5:18 p.m., Blogger CP said...

I'd cross my fingers for you. I'll cross my eyes for you. But, ain't no way I am crossing my legs for you. I got a husband at home to take care of, ya know?

you should have made ME your third referral! I would have made sure you got the job...STAT! You'd also be the new boss and owner of the company. I'd take one for the team for you, anna. Really, I would. *LOL*


At 12:36 p.m., Blogger nanuk said...

We're still hanging to edge of our seats here. This cliffhanger is now rivalling the "Who Shot JR?" episode of Dallas.

Any update to break the tension?


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