Sunday, April 02, 2006

Change is Afoot

I seem to have misplaced something... my sense of self. I have lost all track of who the hell I am. I don't know when, how or why it's happened, all I know is that I have woken up to the fact that it did. Now I have to come to terms with that and make the necessary changes.

I have spent most of my life not living up to my potential. Classic underachiever; there are several holes in my proverbial foot. I tend to go blank right before the trigger is pulled. I'm very good at the post mortem. I can come up with all sorts of reasons why I didn't want to do that anyway. How's that for being a control freak - post event control grabber. Heh, maybe I should consider a career spinning for politicians.

There are three jobs that are mine for the winning this week. Here's to being articulate enough to say what I need to get across and controlled enough to not blurt!


At 7:31 p.m., Blogger nanuk said...

I've been lucky - the past few jobs were the result of recruitment rather than application.

But I've sat on the other side of the table during job interviews recently, and all I can say is that I feel profoundly sorry for the inane questions dreamed up by Human Resource personnel.

I mean, how do you answer this opening question with a straight face?: "How did you prepare yourself for this interview"? I am waiting for someone to respond "Masturbation always relaxes me".

Anyways, good luck and don't measure your self worth by whether or not you get the job.

At 7:46 p.m., Blogger BrianAlt said...

Best of luck to you! Most important, be calm and confident!


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