Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Karma Ran Over your Dogma

Sometimes I wonder if the fates conspire...

I am the kinda girl who can never say never. Experience has taught me that any sort of cavalier assertions on my part will result in my being smacked down off my pedestal quicker than you can say hypocrite.

The penance for last week's post for example, has been that the pump on the boiler system at home has crapped out and we've been without heat for the better part of a week. And then Ireland decides to go cold on me, producing beautiful, but dangerously frosty nights which currently last anywhere between 16 and 18 hours. Pretty serious karma you might think.

But wait, it gets better. I've just been to the doctor where I was diagnosed with a chest infection. He precribed ventolin and antibiotics and told me to be sure to stay warm so that it doesn't develop into pleurisy or pneumonia.

So, I've decided I'm going back to bed. The barking seal on my chest should keep me warm.


At 8:42 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

Barking seal on your chest! That is funny! Good that you can still find humor.

At 2:50 a.m., Blogger Big Ben said...

I hate being sick, If you were close I would bring you soup, my grandmother gave me like 15 cans over the weekend!

At 3:52 a.m., Blogger Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Get well! Get warm!!

Here in Houston, Texas it is 78 degrees. I don't know whatthat is in centigrade or celcius, but it is warmer than room temperature.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the windows open today.


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