The Grass is Always Greener...
in Australia?
Today I went to a migration expo with my Scottish pal, Wee Susan. We call her wee, not because she is a little person, but because when we met her first, it was the word she said constantly. The wee cows. The wee shop down the wee road. Everything was wee. She's been in Ireland the same length of time as we have; she was recruited in our hire group. She, like myself, had the good sense to get the hell out of that job and get something better.
In the last three years, however, everything has gone from being wee to being dead. Dead gorgeous. Dead sexy. Dead cool. It's a good thing we're not just getting to know her now; we'd have to call her Dead Susan.
So, it looks like we may be heading Down Under in the next little while. Apparently Tasmania is recruiting. I don't know much about Tasmania, other than it is home to that cartoon character from Bugs Bunny, but it seems like a good place to base ourselves while we explore that part of the world.
The recruiter I spoke to seemed very interested in us so I guess we'll have to wait and see what she comes up with. I'm not sure I'm ready to leave Ireland yet, but as another recruiter pointed out, time's a ticking and I'm not getting any younger. Urgh!
I guess I've missed something, but what is it that you do?
Ditto that? What DO you do?
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