Sunday, October 23, 2005

That's Why They Pay Me the Big Bucks

Let's start with a simple truth. They don't pay me the big bucks by any stretch of the imagination. When I tell people what I do for a living there is usually a short silence and then a comment like, "Wow, you must be a good person", or, "that must be very rewarding", neither of which are particularly true.

While my specific job has changed over the years, I suppose the category is "Human Services". For me, that has meant everything from working with disturbed teens in a residential setting to counselling rape victims to facilitating courses and back again. Currently, I work in a transitional housing program for people who were homeless.

But what I do is something else altogether. Something that is incredibly difficult to place a monetary value on. I see the good in people. I work to help them see their own worth; to value what they have to offer; to recognize that they are skilled and capable human beings and that if they spent half the time and energy working on improving their education and training that they spend fucking the system, they'd be so much better off.

It's a hot commodity around the world right now. Hubby does youth work exclusively; has for some fifteen years. Luckily, our skill sets have afforded us a chance to see the world, a gift we both feel strongly that we should give to our children. So, I suppose in a lot of ways, we're very rich. Thanks for asking.


At 6:00 p.m., Blogger Buffalo said...

I think what you do now is a very good thing.

At 3:40 p.m., Blogger BrianAlt said...

I hope you enjoy it. I don't think I would. Sounds like you do and that's great.

The department I work with provides transportation to disabled people, so I have the impression that I make people's lives better. But I really have no idea if it's true or not.

At 6:28 p.m., Blogger Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...


Ok... I'm impressed now!

At 12:56 a.m., Blogger Paul said...

Are you contagious? I hope so. That's OK. I don't mind you sneezing on me.


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