This was the view from our bedroom window on Hallowe'en night.

Have I mentioned that fireworks are illegal here?

Pumpkins aren't, though. This is what you saw when you approached our front door.

Pretty cool stuff and only six days post-event. Man, am I ever speeding along!
We live in one of the few states in which fireworks can still be bought. The Georgia border is nearby and they cannnot be bought there. A friend has been in the fireworks buainess for years, selling them to Georgians. I enjoy reading your blog. ec
Nice crow! Good job!
I'm glad fireworks aren't part of the Halloween tradition here, what with all the dried leaves lying about. The eejits in my neighborhood would have burned it to the ground!
I laughed at my mother when she tried to show me fireworks pictures! Lame
You are too good not to blog more often!
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