Fuck a Big Bunch of Alarm Clocks
Y'know what? I've had enough of this shit. Why, oh why, do we participate in these hurtful constructs such as "time"? I cannot for the life of me understand why work can't start exactly when WHEN I GET THERE and finish WHEN I'M GODDAMNED GOOD AND READY!
What, is the problem with that exactly? It worked for the caveman, didn't it? They slept and ate when their bodies told em too. Got pregnant then too. Nobody judged because nobody cared. People just got on with getting on with it. If they survived, so be it; if not that was fair enough too. If someone became a burden, they either wandered off to meet their maker/consumer and thus completed the circle of life, or, if they had no sense of honour or dignity, they were ostracized by the group. Banned, even.
When I am Minister for Families and Children things are gonna change around here, I tells ya!
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