Saturday, February 25, 2006

Going Dutch

The scene: It's a weekend morning, the whole family is in the living room. Kids are watching cartoons, Dad is reading the paper, Mom is checking her email. All are wearing pyjamas of some description, coffee and tea are prominent.

Girl: Will I teach you how to speak Dutch?

Boy: Go on then!

Girl: Okay - we'll start with "no". Say, "nae".
Boy: That's easy; nae!

Girl: Well done. Now, I'm going to teach you how to say yes. Repeat after me... Imanasshole.

Boy: I'm an asshole. MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents: Fall off their chairs laughing.

True story. Girlchild is the coolest seven year old ever!


At 12:29 a.m., Blogger Deb said...

My sister pulled this stunt on me when I was 5 yrs old. She said that 'asshole' was a good word to call your friends... So I said it outloud to a kid in kindergarden and I got in trouble. :(

I found you through CP's site. Don't go for her! Go for me! She already stole my girlfriend!!!! I'm single now! ;) And I love de'Irish gals!

At 2:52 p.m., Blogger nanuk said...

My ex was Dutch, and one day (after emigrating to Canada) my ex-mother-in-law was asked during a tea party what her father's profession was.

He raised cows back in the lowlands, so the response in broken English became "My father is a cattle-fucker". About $200 worth of china was instantly dropped.

True story!

At 4:11 a.m., Blogger CP said...

*LOL* Deb, get the hell outta here and stop messin' wit my play. Don't hate the playah, hate the game, sistah! *snort*

Anna...that girlchild must meet my boychild so they can enter into matrimony and drive one another crazy. It's called "mothers revenge".

You read Used Hack? I read Used we are obviously soulmates.

In the least lesbian way, of course. *L*


At 8:42 p.m., Blogger BrianAlt said...

How old is this girl?

She might be dead in my house.

At 1:58 a.m., Blogger Anna said...

The girl is seven; the boy nine. I think this qualified as the first time she's ever gotten one over on him. As a younger sister myself, all I can say is 'bout time!

At 3:17 p.m., Blogger BrianAlt said...

Funny how the younger one can always get away with more. Mostly so that the older one gets kept in check.

I know this goes on in my house at least.


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