Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dayam but I'm quiet when I'm only discussing the positive things in my life, aren't I? Makes me think that humans are meant to be negative, energy-sucking depressive types...it's much more natural.

Even humour, which feels great when you get it, is based on negativity. I saw a comedian the other night. And laughed heartily when he described neuturing his dog with a set of pliers. And of stalking Paddy Casey - ok, that really was funny.

In fairness though, I haven't been quiet only because I haven't found the words to describe all the happy things that have occurred since my birthday...


At 12:46 p.m., Blogger JL Pagano said...

you tease lol

At 5:53 a.m., Blogger Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Shakespear said:
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger, Humor is when you cut yours."

Mel Brooks said:
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger, Humor is when you fall into an open man-hole sewer and die."

Remember this... If you can't laugh at your self, make fun of other people.

Fu*k'em if they can't take a joke and joke'em if they can't take a fu*k.

Keep posting I like your style!


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